How Can I Compete on Value? Every Client Shops on Fees.

Every time a client makes the decision to retain a lawyer, they weigh the fee against the value of your services. If your fee is too high relative to the (perceived) value they will receive, they are not going to retain you. Therefore, if you don’t have a compelling value proposition, you must reduce your fee in order to get the client to retain you. And no lawyer really wants to do that, right? Because then you are competing based upon fees (cost proposition) and that is a losing game. So, what do you do?

How To Organize Your Office Files Like A Boss

Unlike my email, my office filing system works pretty well when I use it. However, in my effort to “get things done” for the past couple months, I hadn’t been as diligent with keeping things in order and felt the effective of that lack of maintenance on my productivity. So just like with my email, I set aside a few hours to get my files back in shape, and here are the steps I used to get things back on track.

How To Manage Your Side of the Attorney-Client Relationship

Today I started thinking hard it would be if the lawyer actually didn’t really like many of his clients. If he (or she) just found them irritating. My point is this. Such feelings are normal in relationships of all types, so irritation is likely to be part of the picture in some attorney-client relationships. But here they are paying you for results. This makes it different. How do you manage the relationship?

Embracing with the ‘F’ Word – Guest Lecture with Karen Caffrey

Society as a whole encourages suppression of feelings.  The legal profession, as a micro-culture, further encourages lawyers to suppress their feelings.  What happens when feelings are suppressed to such a degree? This is a very powerful 32 minutes.  We discuss lawyers and how they deal with (and don’t deal with) feelings in the practice of law. […]

Are You Speaking a Different Language?

Unless you are actively looking for non-English speaking communities you may not even realize to the extent they are present in your area. These are families that experience marriage and custody issues, these are workers that have employment and injury-related issues, and these are entrepreneurs that have business formation needs. In fact, due to language barriers, more trivial matters such as traffic tickets and ordinance violations are areas of concern for them as well. But you don’t speak (fill in any language). Learn how to tap these communities even if you don’t speak their language.

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