The Rezooming Mess: When Your Office Looks Like A War Zone.

In the big scheme of things, I confess my rezooming office is a mess. I know where everything is. Yet my family walks by and scratches their collective head. This past January, I addressed the piles of paper in need of filing. I emptied out my office completely, putting everything in like/kind piles on my dining room table. I knew the organizational process would take time but clearly I would be done before I needed to use the table again. But is a messy office the sign of a brilliantly creative mind?

Faculty Announcement: Debra Vey Voda-Hamilton

Debra Vey Voda-Hamilton will teach “Mediation in the 21st Century” at Solo Practice University®. Debra is admitted to practice law in all New York State Courts. She is certified as a mediator and collaborative professional and has worked with various court based mediation programs in NYC (Queens-Community Mediation Service) Westchester and Rockland (Cluster of Westchester […]

Do You Know Who Your Client Is? Here’s a Strange (But Common) Situation.

From time to time I get involved in conversations with lawyers who have called in with a question or concern and as we talk through the situation it becomes clear that part of the problem is the lawyer doesn’t know who his client is. These are the times I find myself asking “How in the world does this happen?” It happens more often than you think!

When Your Great Reputation As A Lawyer Just Isn’t Enough

A few years back when Hurricane Irene hit we had two 80 foot trees uproot and come crashing down completely destroying our deck. While our home had just superficial damage the loss of the deck remained a very significant financial repair. We immediately called our neighbor because the previous year we had watched their builder construct a beautiful deck. He had a great reputation. But what happens when a great reputation isn’t followed up with great customer service?

‘Amaze’-ing Facts You Didn’t Know That Drive Traffic to Legal Websites

The number of people going to the web first before asking for a recommendation from someone they trust is increasing. Once they are online searching they continue to do their research before they decide who to call. Your website may not be doing you any favors if it’s not been optimized to work properly by 2015 standards. Find out how you can improve your website before it ceases to function for you in any meaningful way.

Steps for Following Up on a Virtual Introduction

Thoughtful colleagues, friends and clients sometimes make introductions by email or social media to people they think it would be helpful for you to know. Hopefully the new contact will become a client or a referral source one day, but often they haven’t actually requested this introduction. How should you follow up? Here are a few thoughts on the subject.

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