Dealing With The Emotions Surrounding a Grievance – Guest Lecture with Karen Caffrey

Have you ever been grieved? The odds are you will. You’ve planned for the actual process of addressing the grievance, maybe. But odds are you’ve not planned for the emotions of being grieved and how it will impact you moving forward. Join us as we talk more in depth about the root of the emotions surrounding a grievance, how it can negatively impact you and what you can do to work through them in a positive, pro-active way.

Why You Should Be Content Marketing – Guest Lecture with Jared Correia

How important is content marketing? It’s actually incredibly important in today’s marketing environment for new (and seasoned lawyers). Join us as we discuss what content marketing is, why it’s important, what are the fastest, easiest, and cheapest ways to get good quality content into the universe, and what you should be writing about. As always, it’s highly informative. Join us!

How To Stop Worrying About Money. Guest Lecture with Karen Caffrey

How do we stop worrying about money? In this guest lecture we focus on the particular emotional issues of solos and their relationship to money, those who are out on their own without a steady paycheck. There is also a psychology about money which is fascinating, how we live in judgment of others and how it impacts our actions and emotions day-to-day. Why do we worry when we are somewhat comfortable? Why will we share our most intimate feelings about various topics but feel the most vulnerable talking about money, feel the most shame if we don’t seem to measure up. It’s all in this great guest lecture with the incomparable Karen Caffrey. Join us!

When Are You Most Vulnerable to Malpractice? – Guest Lecture with Jared Correia

When are you most vulnerable to a malpractice claim, when are you least? What are the ugly malpractice monsters are rearing their heads going forward? Are you safer as a a newbie or a more seasoned professional? The answers may surprise you. But most importantly, they’ll inform you to help you with your practice going forward. Join Jared and I as we discuss these surprising landmines from our unique perspective.

Are You ‘Rest’ Impaired? Guest Lecture with Karen Caffrey

Today, psychotherapist and JD, Karen Caffrey and I take a deeper dive into understanding the psychological ramifications of not taking a vacation (meaning rest) and our own inability to even recognize we need it which compounds the harm. Join us for this highly informative adventure and maybe you’ll come out resolving to take some much needed time to rest and repair. We’ll explain why and then show you how.

Are You An Imposter? – Guest Lecture with Karen Caffrey

Nearly 40% of all high-achieving people experience an observable phenomenon called ‘Imposter Syndrome’ – that feeling that you are a fraud, that you’ve fooled the world into believing you are capable and knowledgeable. And most people have experienced moments of this. This lecture is a more in-depth, companion piece to the blog post: Are You Suffering From Imposter Syndrome?. Learn more as we do a deeper dive into this important topic.

Serving the 21st Century Client Through Technology – Guest Lecture with Nicole Black

Nicole Black is the tech evangelist for MyCase. But long before she enjoyed her new position, she was a tech geek and advocate for tech in the legal space. The 21st legal consumer is different and their client service expectations are very different. If you don’t know how to reach them, they are going to move on to the lawyer who does. Today, Nicole and I discuss reaching the 21st century client through technology. Learn how to be the lawyer the 21st century legal consumer will come to again, and again.

Embracing with the ‘F’ Word – Guest Lecture with Karen Caffrey

Society as a whole encourages suppression of feelings.  The legal profession, as a micro-culture, further encourages lawyers to suppress their feelings.  What happens when feelings are suppressed to such a degree? This is a very powerful 32 minutes.  We discuss lawyers and how they deal with (and don’t deal with) feelings in the practice of law. […]

Is Emotional and Physical Isolation As a Solo Killing You? Guest Lecture with Karen Caffrey

Isolation will literally kill you. Yet many lawyers don’t even realize they are isolated. They also don’t realize there are many forms of isolation that are insidious and destructive. There is professional, personal and social isolation and you may not even understand you are isolated. Isolation is a mental health risk. Today we dig in to raise awareness in the legal community. These are very real and serious issues that have long term impact on your physical and mental health. And if this resonates with you at all, please seek out help. There are ways to manage this risk in a healthy and productive way. Listen and learn.

How Tech Efficiencies Can Help You Avoid Malpractice Claims – Guest Lecture with Jared Correia

There is so much technology out there which can improve your practice.  However, what are the major technologies you should be investing in and why?  Jared and I talk about two types of technologies in this podcast: document automation and assembly software and case management software, not just a recitation of how they can improve […]

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