15 Years….And Our Gift To You!


Solo Practice University® is celebrating 15 years…15 years of education, support and never-ending contribution to helping lawyers go out on their own as they discover that, with a little hard work and guidance, they can be their own boss.

Solo Practice University® started as a ‘why not’ idea. Why not teach lawyers online how to go solo? Why not take this from the halls of the law schools (who never fully appreciated how important this education is) and have real practicing lawyers teach the nuts and bolts of running a law practice based upon their experiences and within their areas of competence and practice? Why not add in those critical areas of running a business that law schools deliberately ignore in favor of only turning out lawyers barely qualified to be employees. And if you’ve been following the growth of AI in the legal field, those entry level jobs will now be few and far between.

So, I asked the then reigning godfather of law practice management, Ed Poll, if this was an idea that would work. And he said, ‘Absolutely’. He then became the first person to sign on board to teach. And with each subsequent phone call to the solo practice movers and shakers of that day (and many remain so today), SPU was born. It was a lot of sweat equity from my incredible tech guru, faculty, guest bloggers and guest lecturers and it truly was a labor of love. In fifteen years we have taught thousands of lawyers, produced almost 2500 individual classes and educational posts and podcasts, and have built an amazing, timeless archive of nuts and bolts education to help anyone who even thinks solo or small firm practice might be in their present or future.

More importantly, after fifteen years we have hit all our goals except the final one….to make Solo Practice University THE one stop destination for every single lawyer who has ever thought about going solo. The goal is to keep SPU as a repository of some of the best education you will ever get on how to build and grow your solo practice so you can come in, take your courses or refresh yourself with this timeless education, prep yourself before you take a deposition, help transition to a new practice area and more. And you can do it all 24/7/365.

To this end, we now have the flexibility and freedom to make our tuition a one-time lifetime price of $448* because we want as many new and currently practicing lawyers to be able to utilize what we have created for as long as they wish. Therefore, we are implementing several changes. We are very satisfied with the depth and breadth of our course catalog so we will no longer be adding new courses. However, we will continue to add free content to our award winning blog. To keep the internal workings streamlined, we are discontinuing study groups, commenting, Campus News and the COOP. Instead, come in, stay as long as you’d like, learn 24/7/365 and then go out and practice.. (Just remember, SPU education has never and will never take the place of your own due diligence and properly researching the rules in your jurisdiction. It has always been to provide education to shorten the learning curve and point you in the right direction).

Enroll now for $448

Creating Solo Practice University has been a dream lived. Not many can say this in their lifetime. We truly hope you will continue to take advantage of what we created for you…for as long as you choose to. And to all who have been and continue to be a part of the journey called Solo Practice University, a heartfelt thank you.  You put out good in the world.

With wishes for your continued professional success!

Susan Cartier Liebel

Founder & CEO, Solo Practice University

*Terms of Service ” Lifetime Tuition includes at minimum 18 months access to SPU from the original date of sign up, 04/24/24 or as long as Solo Practice University exists thereafter, whichever is longer. Tuition is not refundable under the ‘special promotion’ policy of Solo Practice University.”

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