How to Work With Freelance Lawyers, Part 1: Deciding What to Delegate

You’re up to your eyeballs in work, spending late nights and weekends at the office. You know that working with a freelance lawyer can help you avoid burning out and increase your firm’s profitability, but you don’t know how to get started.

As the King of Hearts said in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland: “Begin at the beginning.” For our purposes, the beginning is deciding what to delegate.

Never Assume “It’s All Good” When Purchasing a Law Practice

Assumptions. We all make them on a daily basis. In fact, as I see it, doing so allows most days to progress with some level of predictability. For example, I often assume all my tech will function problem free, the power will stay on, and that if I need anything from anyone at the office, they’ll be available. There’s nothing wrong with my making such assumptions unless, of course, it turns out one of them is wrong and I’m not prepared to deal with the consequences. Keeping this in mind, let’s now narrow the focus and address some of the ethical missteps that can lead to trouble for the buyer of a law practice when it’s the buyer whose running with assumptions.

The Ever Evolving Law Firm Fee Structure – Guest Lecture with Jared Correia

In the late 90′s and definitely into the 21st century, the law firm fee structure is morphing and changing under tremendous pressure from clients and the economy. But where do new solos (and some not-so-new) lawyers go to learn about the what fee structures are out there? Jared and I discuss the pressures and those very fee structures. Join us!

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