Hanging Up That Shingle: A Heady Moment. But Where Will the Clients Come From?

More years ago than I’d like to remember, a cousin sold me my first whole life insurance policy.  At the time, he was new to the business and initially made some money selling policies to family–aunts, uncles, cousins–you name it.  However, after that initial flurry, he didn’t do well and soon dropped out of the business.  Bottom line, he didn’t know how to prospect and market himself.  Where will your clients come from?

On Being Solo….. Again.

I missed being a solo. All of it. The elations, the fears; the excitement of resolving matters for the client; the lows when you do not prevail on a matter. I missed the variety of things you can do, from area of law to practice management, to client development. I missed being motivated to succeed so as not to lose sleep thinking about paying the bills. Mostly, I missed the freedom to practice law.

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