Don’t Type. Talk.

I’ve previously written here about “Leveraging Dictation Technology to Save Time and Overhead.” I’m a big fan of dictation and I often dictate on my iPhone for emails, texts, searches on Google or a map app and to ask Siri a question. If you do that too, you are already using Nuance speech recognition software […]

The Dangers of Dabbling in Multiple Practice Areas

There are intricacies in every practice area that attorneys unfamiliar with the subject don’t know.  Even worse, they often don’t know what it is that they don’t know.   While it is true that generalist attorneys still exist and expertise can only come with experience, it can be very risky to dabble* in “whatever walks […]

I Believe I Can. So I’m Doing!

Keeping it short and sweet this month.  It’s all about attitude. *Rezooming your legal profession starts with your belief that you can. Nothing else matters. Wishing and hoping will not become believing and knowing. You need to decide to adopt the latter. If you don’t you will find the obstacles to rezooming insurmountable. A belief […]

And The Walls Come Tumblin’ Down….

It’s been a busy month in the legal profession as some would argue the final siege is underway to tear down the walls of the castle holding out the millions of non-lawyers from ‘sort of’ practicing law and allowing the unwashed masses (tongue-in-cheek) and corporations a chance to show everyone they really don’t need a […]

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