Is Avvo’s New ‘Marketing Fee’ Really A ‘Referral Fee’ in Sheep’s Clothing?

If you throw a hungry dog a steak, he’s going to eat it without even sniffing it first to see if it’s rotten. A well-fed dog is more discerning. This was my first reaction to the new Avvo’s Legal Services after I read a snapshot of this service on Bob Ambrogi’s Lawsites. You should really ask a lot of questions before you take a bite of this beef.

Embracing Change – Guest Lecture with Smokeball’s Chelsey Lambert

Today we have a highly informative guest lecture with the Vice President of Marketing and Communications at Smokeball, one of our partners in helping you build your solo/small firm practice. Our conversation focuses on change, fear of change, and how to get through the process of change in order to reap the rewards on the other side. It includes assessing the current state of your law firm, how to align your attitude and vision, commit to the reward, and benchmark progress. One thing you will not hear is ‘change is easy’. It’s not. But it is necessary and it is doable if you want to have a successful law practice. Join us!

Microsoft: How To Create a Rule in Outlook

It is easy for attorneys to get lost in managing all of the emails they receive today. For example, it may sound all too familiar to come into the office, open your inbox, and 4 hours later realize that you have just spent their whole morning organizing and responding to emails. Although we wish emails would just answer themselves sometimes, that isn’t realistic. The best approach, especially for solo attorneys, is to make sure your inbox is organized so it is easy for you to follow up with the most important emails first.

Rules in Microsoft Outlook are a great way to manage your email.

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