Serving the 21st Century Client Through Technology – Guest Lecture with Nicole Black

Nicole Black is the tech evangelist for MyCase. But long before she enjoyed her new position, she was a tech geek and advocate for tech in the legal space. The 21st legal consumer is different and their client service expectations are very different. If you don’t know how to reach them, they are going to move on to the lawyer who does. Today, Nicole and I discuss reaching the 21st century client through technology. Learn how to be the lawyer the 21st century legal consumer will come to again, and again.

Try Not To Be a Patsy, Seriously

A patsy is a person who is easily taken advantage of, especially by being cheated or blamed for something. So, for example, when I look at how successful social engineering as a cybercrime tool is these days, it certainly seems like there are a lot of patsies out there. Here are a few stories about attorneys who were patsies that help explain why I feel the way I do.

Grit and the Rezooming Attorney

Why do naturally talented people frequently fail to reach their potential while other far less gifted individuals go on to achieve amazing things? The secret to outstanding achievement is not talent, but a passionate persistence. In other words, grit. Do you have grit?

Mastering the MBE: A New Way of Using Multiple Choice Questions to Succeed on the Bar Exam

You’ve heard it a million times: do more practice questions, and then do some more. And you’ve taken that advice to heart, but your accuracy isn’t where you think it should be. Sometimes when you review your answers to MBE practice questions it can feel like you’re getting nowhere.

If this sounds familiar, it’s time to start using those questions to improve your score, instead of just using them to measure your accuracy over and over. Here are the best ways to use multiple choice questions to your advantage when studying for the bar exam.

Will Your Law School Loans Be Cancelled?

They made misleading claims about how many of their students were likely to find a job, obscuring the grim reality of how few get employment in their field. They buried their graduates in piles of debt they could not reasonably repay, and admitted unqualified students in pursuit of tuition revenue. They often failed to educate their students well enough to pass the tests required to land a job. And the watchdog that oversees them is facing sanctions from the Education Department.

This might sound very much like the scandal-ridden world of for-profit colleges. But since the recession, it has also become an accurate way to describe some American law schools. So, will the government step in and cancel your student loans?

Are You Missing Out on Clients Because You Don’t Accept Credit Cards?

By 2017, it is estimated that 95% of non-cash transactions will be paid by credit or debit cards. That leaves just a mere 5% paid through traditional paper check payments. Many attorneys are beginning to recognize if they don’t accept credit cards already, they may need to reconsider in order to facilitate collection of fees in the very near future.


Our legal community in Orlando has just started to rally. We are helping with translation services for victims’ families that don’t speak English. We are helping with immigration services for victims’ families that don’t reside in the U.S. We are volunteering pro bono hours in family law and probate (and if anyone should need it, in business law too). More than that, I’ve seen so many of my legal colleagues make personal donations, give blood, go to vigils, and give their time to support the first responders, the victims and their families. We are doing what we can, what we know how to do.

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