OMG! I’ve Been Grieved. Now What?

Our nervous system does not like surprises. And in most cases, lawyers are (very unpleasantly) surprised by the arrival of a grievance. It is normal to have a period of shock or disbelief when the nasty and unexpected happens. “I can’t believe this is happening.” Give it a little time and the next thing you know…

Going Solo is About Empowerment

Empowerment makes you feel you have ultimate control over your destiny, freedom to make the choices for things and experiences you want to have versus feeling compelled to make choices based upon need alone. When you feel empowered you make choices that you believe will create a more fulfilling life for yourself.

Partnership to Solo Practice to Partnership – This Time Doing it Right.

I’ve been practicing law now for over ten years. I started out working at Big Law, and that wasn’t for me. And then I started a firm with a partner, and that didn’t work out either. Then I went solo, and that’s where I’ve spent the majority of my career. From working out of my home by myself to a brick-and-mortar office with two employees, for more than six years, it’s been Just Me, Esq.

Until now, that is. Are you ready to take on a partner…again?

Should Legal Rezoomers Use Social Media?

You can choose to avoid social media opportunities altogether or, with the help of some pretty tech savvy lawyers navigate your rezoom with social media. Questions about engaging in social media always start with whether its use will enhance or derail your journey. Not running afoul of your legal ethics can be the worry when talking about engaging on social media. The following three helpful hints may make it less scary and get you rezooming in cyberspace.

The Height of Idiocy – ‘We Have Too Many Law Schools’ Say the Law Schools

Imagine if you will two horse traders during early 1900s saying, ‘You know, we’re not selling as many horses as we used to because there are just too many horse traders.’ This discussion takes place on a busy street where where crowds of people are awed and enthused as they see four or five of those new-fangled contraptions called the automobile weaving in and out between the horse and buggies and pedestrians. The conversation continues, ‘now if we can just shut down those horse dealers who are already in trouble, make it a little harder for them to succeed, regulate them right out of business, we can corner the horse market for ourselves.’ So, let’s talk horses in this post….

Why You Must Get Up to Speed on Technology

You don’t have to be reminded that the legal world has become very competitive. You face it every day. For example, some believe that keeping abreast of technology trends breeds more success for a solo than making good grades in law school.

Online innovators use technology to provide low cost legal documents and low cost legal advice from attorneys. Some of these clients getting online legal services might have been your clients in years past. But now they may expect their legal documents to be generated quicker, cheaper and more conveniently than you can generate them.

Even if the clients perceive the difference between your services and an online provider, client expectations about legal costs and turnaround time are being influenced by online innovators. Where does this leave you?

Do the ‘Write’ Thing

Your professionalism is on display in your communications –written as well as oral, including reports, proposals, articles, letters, resumes, writing samples, etc. Write professionally. If you don’t really know how, read this.

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