Why You Should Be Content Marketing – Guest Lecture with Jared Correia

How important is content marketing? It’s actually incredibly important in today’s marketing environment for new (and seasoned lawyers). Join us as we discuss what content marketing is, why it’s important, what are the fastest, easiest, and cheapest ways to get good quality content into the universe, and what you should be writing about. As always, it’s highly informative. Join us!

Is Money The Cause of All Your Worries? Time to Stop Worrying.

Many, many lawyers I counsel worry about money. They worry about making enough money to keep their law practice going. They worry if they will have enough money to pay their bills. They worry if they’re saving enough money for their kid’s college education or to fund their own retirements. They worry they don’t have enough money to take that much needed vacation.

What can you do if you are one of the worried-about-money crowd? The answer depends on why you’re worried.

Rezooming Your Leadership

When deciding to rezoom your legal career you are also rezooming a position of leadership. Initially it may not feel that way.  You may fail to recognize the strong leadership skills you cultivated while away from the legal field. However, there are things you have done while on sabbatical that make you a better leader.  […]

How To Stop Worrying About Money. Guest Lecture with Karen Caffrey

How do we stop worrying about money? In this guest lecture we focus on the particular emotional issues of solos and their relationship to money, those who are out on their own without a steady paycheck. There is also a psychology about money which is fascinating, how we live in judgment of others and how it impacts our actions and emotions day-to-day. Why do we worry when we are somewhat comfortable? Why will we share our most intimate feelings about various topics but feel the most vulnerable talking about money, feel the most shame if we don’t seem to measure up. It’s all in this great guest lecture with the incomparable Karen Caffrey. Join us!

When It Comes to Protecting Your Data – Stop Making Excuses

The days when a lawyer could send an unencrypted email without worry, remain blissfully ignorant about encrypting a laptop, or use the same easily remembered password for all accounts and devices are over. I believe most lawyers know this, at least at a gut level; but far too many still seem to be confused about what steps they should be taking. If you see yourself as a card carrying member of the “what the heck am I supposed to do” group, perhaps I can help.

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