Are You Practicing Law in Chaos?
Chaos is a product of our working lives. We make it. We control the initial conditions and we therefore control the ultimate outcomes. Is your law practice chaotic?
Chaos is a product of our working lives. We make it. We control the initial conditions and we therefore control the ultimate outcomes. Is your law practice chaotic?
For many examinees, the most challenging aspect of the MPT is the 90-minute time limit. Here are some tips for making the most of your time.
Creating an email signature will automatically put whatever you want at the bottom of every email. You can create different signatures for different emails. For instance you may have a signature for emails that are internal to your organization and another signature for emails that go outside your organization. You could have another signature for emails sent to your family and perhaps another that you use for your volunteer work. There are two ways to create an email signature. Learn how.
Over the years I have witnessed a few vigorous debates where the point of contention was over whether the practice of law is a business or a profession. I am sometimes taken aback by the positions some lawyers take.
There are those who really do find the notion of equating the practice of law in any way, shape, or form with the running of a business as an extremely offensive position. In the opposite corner stands the attorney who is in it solely for the money and views the very existence of our rules of professional conduct as a personal affront. Thus, the great debate.
Leaving a traditional law job for solo life is a little different than starting out solo right from law school. So, I’ve decided to list the top 7 lessons that I’ve learned in my first year as a solo. So here goes…
There are two new terms being used in this 21st century world which are making a big difference in their lives and the lives of others. Can learning them and implementing them make a huge difference in your solo/small firm practice? They really can!
It’s been five years since I started my solo practice. In that time, I’ve had many ups and downs. I’ve struggles at times – with depression, with stress and burnout, with financial troubles, and with staff turnover that got me labeled “The Hatchet” by a friend in the staffing industry. I’ve thought about packing it in a time or two, going back to work at a Big Law firm, but I never did.
You know what? I wouldn’t change any of it.
When I started my solo practice, I was confronted with one salient issue. Do I continue to practice law in the area where I have the most experience or do I try something new? How about you?
Curious? What does a banana have to do with solo practitioners building their practice?
Well, I had a similar reaction some years ago in a different context. Enjoy this great marketing lesson.
Are you a procrastinator? If you have a Civ. Pro. essay to review, multiple choice questions to practice and a Con. Law essay to write but you just can’t seem to tear yourself away from Facebook, this post is for you!