
How To Organize Your Office Files Like A Boss

Unlike my email, my office filing system works pretty well when I use it. However, in my effort to “get things done” for the past couple months, I hadn’t been as diligent with keeping things in order and felt the effective of that lack of maintenance on my productivity. So just like with my email, I set aside a few hours to get my files back in shape, and here are the steps I used to get things back on track.

How To Deal With Your Law Office Email Once and For All

I don’t know about you, but recently checking and responding to my email, text messages, and social media messages as a solo started to drive me a little batty. The constant demand from these requests to “read me,” “respond to me” or “look at me” along with the day-to-day tasks of actual legal work left me feeling overwhelmed and anxious. So when it came to my inbox, I started to behave like someone watching a scary movie. I covered my eyes so I wouldn’t see the scary parts.

Can Lawyers Learn How To Run A Business From Online Entrepreneurs?

Now I know there is a huge debate about whether attorneys should engage in the “practice of law” or the “business of law”. However, I think this debate misses the mark. The salient question is – how can we continue to serve our clients’ legal needs while keeping up with their expectations for business? In other words, how can we practice law and maintain the business persona that our customers expect?

Work Life Balance for the Single Solo

When you are running your own solo practice, the subject of work-life balance often arises. We discuss prioritizing work with date nights, family time, school plays, exercise, etc. For the most part though, the discussion revolves around couples and concerns regarding marital quality time and children.

For some reason when you are single no one talks about the work-life balance of building your business and trying to find a suitable partner. Well, let’s discuss it.

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