Law Firm Cash Flow: You Should Aim for “90 in 90”

As a veteran of nearly 39 years of real law practice (by “real” I mean a broad general practice serving the general public, small businesses, families, and individuals in a myriad of contract, trial, and appellate matters), I know the importance of cash flow.

In my quest for financial security and success, I have perused every bar journal article, attended numerous practice management CLE’s, and varied my approach to billing and collections to see what worked. Find out what I learned.

Why You Should Think More Like a Designer and a Little Less Like a Lawyer

The concept of “design thinking” pops up again and again in conversations about innovation and change. Design thinking strives to make a process, service or product more engaging, usable and useful. At last design concepts have begun to infiltrate the legal world. Solos who truly want to differentiate themselves in the market should consider incorporating design principles into their law practices.

Your 2017 Elevator Pitch

Look at the language you are using to describe yourself. How can you craft a short, informative elevator pitch? You need a clear voice to be heard above the din? What makes you different? Your 1-minute elevator speech can be a big part of raising you up above the cacophony. Here are three easy steps to use when thinking about how to describe yourself and what you do.

OMG! I’ve Been Grieved. Now What?

Our nervous system does not like surprises. And in most cases, lawyers are (very unpleasantly) surprised by the arrival of a grievance. It is normal to have a period of shock or disbelief when the nasty and unexpected happens. “I can’t believe this is happening.” Give it a little time and the next thing you know…

Partnership to Solo Practice to Partnership – This Time Doing it Right.

I’ve been practicing law now for over ten years. I started out working at Big Law, and that wasn’t for me. And then I started a firm with a partner, and that didn’t work out either. Then I went solo, and that’s where I’ve spent the majority of my career. From working out of my home by myself to a brick-and-mortar office with two employees, for more than six years, it’s been Just Me, Esq.

Until now, that is. Are you ready to take on a partner…again?

Should Legal Rezoomers Use Social Media?

You can choose to avoid social media opportunities altogether or, with the help of some pretty tech savvy lawyers navigate your rezoom with social media. Questions about engaging in social media always start with whether its use will enhance or derail your journey. Not running afoul of your legal ethics can be the worry when talking about engaging on social media. The following three helpful hints may make it less scary and get you rezooming in cyberspace.

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