What Do You Do When Your Client Thinks They Can Do Better?

There may be a time when a client wants to speak directly with the other side simply hoping to move the process forward. Truth be told, I’ve been there as a client. It felt as if my legal matter wasn’t progressing as fast as I thought it should and it seemed to me that the attorneys were the ones getting in the way. I started to wonder if I couldn’t move things along by just having a one on one with the other side. So, what does a good attorney do?

20 KPIs of a Successful Law Firm: How to Diagnose Why Your Law Firm Isn’t Doing as Well as You’d Like

Business owners, or I should say, successful business owners, know and track their key performance indicators (KPIs). At just a glance, successful business owners can see what’s working, what’s not working, and where to adjust.

As a solo practitioner, you’re a business owner and CEO, right? Of course you are. So, are you tracking these important measurements?

Explore the Payment Trends that Affect Your Business

To help attorneys better understand the trends that affect their business, LawPay has created a new infographic, “Recent Trends in Legal Payments.” Explore this infographic to see how changes in payment preferences could affect your law firm, and what you can do moving forward to improve payments in your practice.

Sharing Office Space Can be a Great Gig, Except When It Isn’t

Solo attorneys sometimes land in an office share setting. And look, I get it. The reasons for doing so can be compelling. There’s the savings on overhead, the presence of others who can provide personal and professional support, and the list goes on. While I have no desire to quash anyone’s desire to work in such a setting, I do feel compelled to share a story; because sometimes it’s just too easy to minimize and even ignore potential problems.

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