Rise of the Machines – Is AI Ready To Impact Your Solo Law Firm – Guest Lecture with Jared Correia

This is a MUST LISTEN podcast. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and now Generative AI has hit the world like a meteor and the consequences are and will continue to be profound. You may be more familiar with the term ChatGPT because it is spreading like a contagion. Today we are going to talk about how you can either take advantage of Generative AI, or be left behind. And you don’t want to be left behind because when used properly, Generative AI can save you and your solo/small firm immeasurable amounts of time and money while making you more profitable. Listen and learn.

Guide to Legal Outsourcing: What Solo Lawyers and Small Firms Should Know

It’s no secret that lawyers are busy people. Writing briefs, communicating with clients, generating leads, conducting research, preparing for deposition, marketing services—an attorney’s list of tasks goes on and on. It’s no wonder 74% of US law firms feel as though they’re spending too much time on administrative tasks, as opposed to practicing law.

That’s where legal outsourcing comes in. What is legal outsourcing, and why should you consider it? Learn more!

Days of Future Passed – Law Practice in 2025 (Part 4) – Guest Lecture with Jared Correia

In part four we are going to look at trends in law firm ‘employees’ and we use the term very broadly. Why broadly? Because we need to look at the role of non-lawyers, AI (Artificial Intelligence) as an ‘employee’, Technology as an ‘employee’. Yes, we have to expand the term ‘employee’ because the world is changing rapidly. So, join us. It will be informative as always.

“Law Stories” – Noxious Liquids

Early in my solo career, I had a part-time gig working for the NYC taxi driver’s union. My friend’s wife’s Dad was the founder and President of the union. They represented drivers in contract negotiations with the City, provided health insurance to taxi drivers, and also offered the members a “legal plan.” The main benefit of the legal plan was a free lawyer for traffic court.

A big “labor law” firm represented the union. Part of their representation required them to provide lawyers for traffic court. However, very often there were more traffic court appearances than the firm could handle. When that happened, yours truly got the call from union headquarters. Read on….

Learn the Truth About Customer Service in the X-pectation Files

George Washington had wooden teeth.

Humans only use 10% of our brains.

The customer is always right.

Myths and misconceptions are a part of life. And while some are harmless or easily debunked—no mother will mind if you step on that crack—others can get in the way of running your business.

Nowhere is this truer than in customer service.

Countless organizations let assumptions and falsehoods guide how they communicate with the people they serve. Why? Because myths have power. They’re emotionally charged. They’re convenient. And, more often than not, someone has something to gain when you believe them.

So, let’s shine a light on the truth, shall we?

Get your customer service facts straight—with a little help from Ruby.

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