[Sponsored] Free eBook: Learn The 5 Steps to Effective Delegation

The truth is not all legal work must be performed by an attorney; there’s plenty of opportunity to strategically spread around the workload without forfeiting quality or momentum. Enter effective delegation, which allows your busy firm to increase its output significantly despite limited resources — all naysaying to the contrary.

Download “How to Delegate Efficiently and Effectively”

The Power of Influencers to Bring Business to Your Solo/Small Firm Practice

Influencers offer the authenticity that buyers trust. Their relationship with their audience is not centered around selling merchandise, but rather, around informative and relevant content that interests their followers. When an influencer tells your brand’s story, it comes from the perspective of a consumer, rather than that of a business or marketing strategy. How does an influencer impact your solo/small firm practice? How can you reach them? Find out.

[SPONSORED] 5 Ways to Run a More Productive, Profitable, and Professional Solo Law Practice with Virtual Receptionists

The 2017 Clio Legal Trends Report contained many shocking statistics about the daily habits and operations of practicing attorneys, but perhaps most jaw-dropping were the statistics on the tasks consuming the majority of attorneys’ precious time, and just as importantly, those tasks not receiving nearly enough of their attention:

The average attorney spends only 1.9 hours per day on billable work.
Attorneys are interrupted on average 6 times per day, resulting in nearly 2 hours of lost time.
Only 86% of revenue from billed time is ever collected.
Take a look at the state of the industry in this infographic, which draws from data in the Clio report…..

Back to School Special! First Month’s Tuition – $127

If it’s fall, it’s back to school. It’s all about learning, educating ourselves, expanding our minds and putting all that knowledge to use in exciting, creative and profitable ways. And we’re all about the exciting, creative and profitable ways for you to finally be your own boss. That’s why we’re offering this amazing Back to School Special. Check it out! Join! And share!

21st Century Methods for Onboarding Clients – Guest Lecture with Jared Correia

How do you onboard modern clients in the 21st Century? In today’s podcast you will learn about what clients value. Do they want speed, responsiveness, mobile access? Do they want intake options such as online forms, chatbots, text messaging? How do you create and respond to the client’s journey from finding you through resolution? You’ll learn all this more today. Listen and learn.

The 4-Hour-Per-Day Rule (With a Sample Download)

Practicing law for the first time comes with its fair share of stressors and unknowns. One of the first things you’ll need to determine is how much you can expect to charge for your services. Will you be able to set an hourly rate that’s reasonable for an attorney in your area, and provides enough income to meet your needs? (Includes sample forms)

How to Avoid Friction and Chaos in the Family When You Work From Home

Working from home can be an amazing experience if it is planned correctly; an unmitigated disaster if it’s not. More importantly, if handled incorrectly there can be a lot of friction in your home. Why? Because, while your spouse and kids go off to work and school to then come home to their ‘sanctuary’, you are carefully and thoughtfully converting your sanctuary into a work space for a finite number of hours each day. This is a major psychological challenge. How do you do it successfully?

[Sponsored] Your Law Firm Finances Guide: Billing and Invoicing Tips

To this day, one of the most common challenges for solo and small firm lawyers is getting paid. Your payment structure notwithstanding, a smooth billing process is predicated on honest and open communication — particularly during your consultation. Paired with a dependable, secure tech solution, the latest billing best practices will help you achieve a significant drop in friction, avoid awkward client interactions, and ultimately collect on more unpaid invoices.

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