Are You Struggling With the MBE?

If you are gearing up to study again for the bar exam this next season, you are likely going through the process of determining what went wrong. And perhaps you are finding that your Multistate Bar Exam scores (the multiple choice part of the bar exam) are really bringing you down. Don’t worry; you are […]

Heartbleed and More. Should Lawyers Be Concerned? Very.

Another day, another [insert one] cyber attack, vulnerability, hack, malware, data breach, network insecurity, or other potential compromise to one’s online safety. It’s a war zone out there, and we are the innocent bystanders. Time for the innocent bystanders to form a neighborhood watch. All kidding aside, when you venture online, you risk exposing yourself and your data to compromise. Your […]

Interested in a Great Marketing Conference?

LOMAP’s 4th Annual ‘Super’ Marketing Conference is June 5 at Suffolk University Law School (Photo credit: SalFalko) UPDATE: Solo Practice University readers who register for the conference should select the ‘Co-Sponsoring Organization’ rate, in order to access a 33% discount. Also, 2013 and 2014 law school graduates may register for the conference for FREE by […]

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