3 Creative Ideas for Building Your Practice Online in 2021

Believe it or not, we’re already three months into 2021. What are your goals for this year? What strategies, processes, and tools can you put in place now to stand out and expand your practice in the months to come?

Now is an ideal time to reflect on your long-term growth strategy, as well as your opportunities to do even better for the people you serve.

Here are a few creative and cost-effective ideas for improving how you communicate with clients, deliver legal services, and continue growing your practice this year:

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What Are The Ethics Surrounding Delegation of Legal Work – Guest Lecture with Cynthia Sharp

In order to grow, solos will need to delegate legal work to paralegals, administrative staff, free lance lawyers and associates and any vendor you hire on your behalf. Even hiring a marketing firm! But do you really know the ethics surrounding delegation of work you are ultimately ethically responsible for as the the owner of your law firm? This is a critically important topic. Listen and learn.

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A Checklist for Closing Your Solo/Small Firm Practice

Common reasons lawyers close their practices include a medical disability, wanting to retire, a move out-of-state, or a career change. While the specific steps that need to be taken and the time frame involved can vary significantly depending upon the reasons driving the closure and the type of practice being closed, the following checklist covers the basics of what most lawyers will need to think about.

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How in the World Can I Manage 2000 Email Every Day?

I could hear it in his voice, the frustration over trying to figure out how to deal with a never-ending flow of email was palpable. Unfortunately, before I could share a few thoughts, the elevator door opened and I had to walk away wishing I could have had a little more time. That’s the real issue, isn’t it? It’s always about time. There never seems to be enough of it. I suspect you can relate because I can’t imagine there are many out there who haven’t felt overwhelmed at some point by a cluttered inbox, a stack of phone messages, sticky notes posted all over the place (you should see my office!), the pile of files on their desk, and/or all the overdue items on their reminder list. So what do you do?

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An Experiment in Transparency – Monthly Report: May 2018

We just finished month three of this relaunch journey (I shared a report for my first two months here and here). The ship keeps sailing along.

These monthly reports are the most popular thing I write, but I worry they’ll become mundane. “Another month of mostly the same thing…” And maybe there’s a lesson in there.

Success rarely comes with sex appeal and clickbait headlines. It’s a slog. And maybe that’s why so few of us find it.

However, to give you something you can act on right away, I’ll share with you monthly landmarks and some thoughts about websites. I’ll also detail numbers for you, and plans for the future.

This is me CEO-ing out loud, and I hope you find it helpful.

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The Power of Influencers to Bring Business to Your Solo/Small Firm Practice

Influencers offer the authenticity that buyers trust. Their relationship with their audience is not centered around selling merchandise, but rather, around informative and relevant content that interests their followers. When an influencer tells your brand’s story, it comes from the perspective of a consumer, rather than that of a business or marketing strategy. How does an influencer impact your solo/small firm practice? How can you reach them? Find out.

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Failing Faster

I’ve mentioned that before I went to law school I had a career in information systems technology. I worked for about nine different companies – mostly because the original company that hired me merged once or twice or three times while I was there – during the Dot.com boom and bust of the late 90′s and early 2000′s.

We had a motto back then: “Fail fast, fail often.” So what does that have to do with the practice of law? Plenty.

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