Take a Minute to Purge Your Twitter Followers
Online reputation comes in many forms and this includes not just who you are following on Twitter, but who you are permitting to follow you. It remains a form a marketing in a more subtle way.
Online reputation comes in many forms and this includes not just who you are following on Twitter, but who you are permitting to follow you. It remains a form a marketing in a more subtle way.
The internet truly scares those who haven’t learned how to use it beyond searching for a bookstore on Google. They understand it is about providing education to attract clients, something a yellow page ad can’t do. And their goal is to attract clients, not entertain the masses with their witticisms or criticisms and sensational posts to drive traffic. They are the ones who seek out blogging and social media sherpas.
This post is not meant to tell you how you should use Twitter or whether you should even like Twitter. But it is a post about how I use Twitter and why I choose to use it the way I do as well as some overall observations.