How To Organize Your Office Files Like A Boss

Unlike my email, my office filing system works pretty well when I use it. However, in my effort to “get things done” for the past couple months, I hadn’t been as diligent with keeping things in order and felt the effective of that lack of maintenance on my productivity. So just like with my email, I set aside a few hours to get my files back in shape, and here are the steps I used to get things back on track.

How To Manage Your Side of the Attorney-Client Relationship

Today I started thinking hard it would be if the lawyer actually didn’t really like many of his clients. If he (or she) just found them irritating. My point is this. Such feelings are normal in relationships of all types, so irritation is likely to be part of the picture in some attorney-client relationships. But here they are paying you for results. This makes it different. How do you manage the relationship?

Flying Solo While Keeping Grounded

Law schools keep churning out graduates in ever-increasing numbers into a market that has been shrinking, due, in part to the economic downturn. The legal profession has been hit hard. In recent years, many prestigious law firms, with staffs running into the many hundreds, have pared their ranks, not only of staff but, as well associates, even partners. And there have been quite-a-few firm mergers, and other firms have simply closed-up shop.

In many instances, newly-minted associates are often doing the work of paralegals, and the paralegals, in turn are increasingly handling duties generally assigned to secretaries or administrative assistants. The downturn has especially hit hard attorneys who hung out their shingles. What do we need to know in order to move forward?

3 Easy Steps that Help You Trust Your Instincts

Say yes to opportunities that come your way, whether or not they meet your vision. They may be necessary steps that you need to explore. Get out there, find your balance and do things that are on and off your path toward future opportunities. Once you get clarity about what you don’t want to do, greater clarity about what you do want to do crystalizes. Oh, there’s so much more, though.

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