The Art Of Networking for Business Generation

This post was written by Ian E. Scott. Ian E. Scott is a Harvard Law School Graduate, lawyer and author of Law School Lowdown: Secrets of Success from the Application Process to Landing Your First Job. (Barron’s Publishing). Law School Lowdown: is a comprehensive law school guide that contains several important tips regarding law school […]

What Are You Doing To Help Your Business In This Troubled Economy?

John Jantsch wrote a terrific piece a few years ago called “7 Time-Tested Ways to Dig Out From a Recession”. My position, however, is a little different. You should be doing these things ALL THE TIME. While you can read all seven ideas on John’s great site, I’m going to highlight numbers three, six and […]

Consultations: Free or Fee?

Obviously, attorneys have had some bad experiences with the free consultation. Yet, some of the most respected solo practice authorities, such as Jay Foonberg, highly recommend that solos offer free consultations. Others say solos should never offer free consultations. Still others say it depends. To further murk up the waters, I’ll share my experiences with (and without) the free consultation offer.

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