E-Discovery: Learning to Do It Right – Guest Lecture with E-Discovery expert, Steven Teppler

“Being a wizard on your computer or being able to put together amazing projects on Garage Band does not mean you can ethically or responsibly handle e-discovery.” Every lawyer needs to understand what e-discovery is and the process of e-discovery, or increasingly risk exposure to malpractice for failure to do due diligence for your client. This […]

Digital Asset Management – Guest Lecture with Deborah Gonzalez

Everyone dies.  Often unexpectedly. But there is power in dead hands.  We are the country with the greatest control of our assets after death.  However, most never consider, let alone manage, their digital legacy.  How do we handle, bequeath (or destroy), our digital immortality from medical information to our life story on facebook?  This is […]

Guest Lecture with Jared Correia – Tech for New (and Not So New) Lawyers

Jared receives countless questions from new solo lawyers and solos who have been in practice for decades but need advice on law practice management. We like to ask Jared what it is on lawyers’ minds and (no) surprise…it’s technology, cloud securiy, google, and law practice management software. However, you might be very surprised by what […]

Audio: Savvy Solos with Spencer Aronfeld

During his 20 years in private practice as a solo, Spencer Aronfeld has enjoyed powerful courtroom victories over Walt Disney World, Wild Oats, P.A.C. Construction, Fedan Tire, and Todel Apartments and has gained international recognition as a lawyer for the people. One of the reasons I LOVE doing these Savvy Solos interviews is I get […]

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