Rise of the Machines – Is AI Ready To Impact Your Solo Law Firm – Guest Lecture with Jared Correia

This is a MUST LISTEN podcast. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and now Generative AI has hit the world like a meteor and the consequences are and will continue to be profound. You may be more familiar with the term ChatGPT because it is spreading like a contagion. Today we are going to talk about how you can either take advantage of Generative AI, or be left behind. And you don’t want to be left behind because when used properly, Generative AI can save you and your solo/small firm immeasurable amounts of time and money while making you more profitable. Listen and learn.

Days of Future Passed – Law Practice in 2025 (Part 4) – Guest Lecture with Jared Correia

In part four we are going to look at trends in law firm ‘employees’ and we use the term very broadly. Why broadly? Because we need to look at the role of non-lawyers, AI (Artificial Intelligence) as an ‘employee’, Technology as an ‘employee’. Yes, we have to expand the term ‘employee’ because the world is changing rapidly. So, join us. It will be informative as always.

Days of Future Passed – Law Practice in 2025 (Part 3) – Guest Lecture with Jared Correia

We are coming to the end of the 2nd Wave of Legal Tech. Yes, I know. You’ve only just started embracing the first wave of legal tech! But it is happening fast and you need to catch up. We will be discussing what is and will be happening in front office technology, consolidation of software, ‘behavior’ automation and so much. Join us!

Days of Future Passed – Law Practice in 2025 – (Part 2) Guest Lecture with Jared Correia

In Part 2 of our series, Days of Future Passed – Law Practice in 2025, we will discuss two critical topics; what will it mean to actually be a lawyer in 2025 and how will we price our services and collect on those fees. What are the clients’ expectations of who we are and how they should value our services? It’s a truly provocative and informative conversation. Join us!

New Series: Days of Future Passed – Law Practice in 2025 – (Part 1) – Guest Lecture with Jared Correia

Enjoy our New Series – Days of Future Passed – What Will Law Firms Look Like in 2025, Part 1

In this first installment we will discuss the law firm business structure in all its incarnations, how this impacts your employees, vendors and much more. Will we see the Amazon model of law firms? It is more in-depth and surprising than you might imagine including sales people, referral fees. Will we see the demise of the solo practitioner? This is info you will need which ever direction you may go. Listen and learn.

Networking in a Pandemic and Post-Pandemic World – Have We Lost Something and Don’t Even Know It? – Guest Lecture with Jared Correia

Lawyers fundamentally know the importance of networking. Newer lawyers growing in their practices these past few years know it in theory but haven’t experienced the value of in-person events for making connections. In this pandemic/post-pandemic world are we losing something of value we don’t realize in exchange for rationalizing the convenience (and some would argue safety) of connecting on line? This is an important discussion for lawyers, conference organizers, educators and more. Listen and learn.

The Scourge of ‘Busy’-ness – Guest Lecture with Jared Correia

We all think we are so busy all the time. We have no time for anything. We are exhausted.We abandon self-care, projects that need attending, And as busy as we are, we accomplish less and less. How does this impact your solo practice, your growth both personal and professional, your income? Is it classic avoidance? Lack of structure? Listen and learn how to avoid busy-ness and tackle the important tasks and feel accomplished in your solo practice..and your life.

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