
How Solos Can Avoid Failing Their New Year’s Business Resolutions – Guest Lecture with Jared Correia

New Year’s means making all kinds of resolutions that fail within 10 minutes. Well, solos make resolutions for their practices, too. In today’s podcast Jared Correia discusses the most common business ‘New Year’s’ resolutions solos make and action steps to help them keep those resolutions. As always it is fun and filled with great info. Join us!

Let’s Learn the Ethics of Using AI…For Lawyers (Part 2) – Guest Lecture with Jared Correia

In Part 2 of this podcast, Jared and I continue our wild ride through the ethics of using Artificial (or Alternative) Intelligence in your law practice as we encounter AI hallucinations, pitfalls and legal traps. (We cover such a wide swath it takes up two podcasts). And, like is our tradition, we wander into some fantastical tangents on the future of AI, too. Join us and learn what you definitely need to know as you incorporate this powerful tool into your legal practice.

Let’s Learn the Ethics of Using AI…for Lawyers (Part 1) – Guest Lecture with Jared Correia

In this podcast, Jared and I take you on a wild ride through the ethics of using Artificial (or Alternative) Intelligence in your law practice as we encounter AI hallucinations, pitfalls and legal traps. We cover such a wide swath it takes up two podcasts. And, like is our tradition, we wander into some fantastical tangents on the future of AI, too. Join us and learn what you definitely need to know as you incorporate this powerful tool into your legal practice.future of AI, too. Join us and learn what you definitely need to know as you incorporate this powerful tool into your legal practice.

How to Hire & Retain Talent in 2024 and Beyond – Guest Lecture with Jared Correia

You are not having problems with getting the work. But you ARE having problems getting the talent to help you produce that work, service these clients. It’s not an uncommon dilemma. Post-pandemic it’s become an employee-centric market meaning those who are out looking for the jobs have all the power. How do you hire in this environment? How do you get the quality talent? What do you have to offer to get the good people to help your practice grow. Listen and learn.

Days of Future Passed – Law Practice in 2025 (Part 6) – Guest Lecture with Jared Correia

We are concluding this incredible series of Days of Future Passed – Law Practice in 2025 discussing meeting clients’ new demands of you and your practice including implementing: Efficiences Data Security KPIs Analytics Collaboration Sharing Embedding Outside Counsel If you are looking to build your presence with a serious marketing effort that is progressive, you’ll […]

The Magic of Key Performance Indicators (Part 2) – Guest Lecture with Jared Correia

In part 1 we discovered the magic of KPIs, basically analytics for Attorneys. Sounds dry (even I thought so when Jared presented the topic) but I soon learned it isn’t. It’s quite fascinating because at the end of the day it is measuring whether what you are doing is working and it’s not cookie cutter. You can create measurements for anything you are doing so it is also quite creative. So, let’s get to it and learn more!

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