5 Ways Small Businesses Can Maximize Customer Service to Meet Changing Expectations

What a business offers is just as important as how it’s delivered. And it’s not just about satisfaction or sales. Exceptional customer service has amazing rebound effects, ranging from referrals, to repeat business. This makes customer service one of the most important factors for business growth. Because customer service is so important, it’s equally important to do it right. Here are 5 tips that small business owners can implement today to ensure they’re maximizing their customer service.

Are You ‘Just A Small Time Solo Practitioner’?

I was talking to a relative not too long ago. She’s an amazing local attorney practicing more than 30 years, the last 10 years as a solo practitioner. Her 20 year old son was talking to her about career paths and he said, ‘but your just a small time local lawyer’. Rather than be offended, she invited him to spend the day with her as she did her ‘small time local law’. Read on….

The Scourge of ‘Busy’-ness – Guest Lecture with Jared Correia

We all think we are so busy all the time. We have no time for anything. We are exhausted.We abandon self-care, projects that need attending, And as busy as we are, we accomplish less and less. How does this impact your solo practice, your growth both personal and professional, your income? Is it classic avoidance? Lack of structure? Listen and learn how to avoid busy-ness and tackle the important tasks and feel accomplished in your solo practice..and your life.

Content Marketing & Social Media: 4 Easy Tips For Getting Started

You’ve likely been told time and again (and again) that effective content marketing is essential to building your online presence. That’s genuinely helpful advice—until you consider that many people don’t know what content marketing is exactly.

Or how you define “effective” content.

The good news is that if you’ve ever looked up a recipe, followed a social media account, or watched a how-to video on getting toothpaste out of your hair (don’t ask), then you’ve interacted with successful content. All you need now is the right know-how to start creating lead-winning content for your own business.

What makes content “king?” Read and learn….

4 Ways Your Website Should Drive Lead Generation

Just a snippet: If your website is the digital equivalent of a physical storefront, live chat is comparable to a friendly representative at the front desk.

Did you know?

Live chat is 4.6 times more likely than other channels to convert website visitors into customers.
Approximately 42% of all customers prefer chat over other communication channels.
Of customers who use chat, 82% report satisfaction with their experiences —the highest level of all customer service channels.

Get the links to the studies and download your free guide….

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