Why Solos Need to Create a Brand. It's Not Hard

“Branding” is creating name recognition through a carefully crafted plan of integrated marketing. That’s quite a mouthful. But what does it really mean?

It’s not unlike the brand on the behind of a cow. A fellow rancher or townsperson sees the “OK” on the backside of the cow and knows it belongs to the “OK Corral.” But more importantly, when they see the “OK” brand, are they making the association that the cow represents quality beef or mad cow disease? In a nutshell, that is the importance of branding.

YouTube, Video Marketing and the Solo

This may seem old news to some. But it remains a decidedly untapped vehicle for lawyers. And now we are hearing from the most respected Google analyst, Eric Schmidt, discussing the future of the net and this includes YouTube:

“We’re starting to make significant money off of Youtube”, content will move towards more video.

There Is No Competition. That's Right. There is No Competition.

This philosophy has propelled me throughout my life because it is not about winning at the expense of another (yet, when someone wins, in a strictly competitive world another loses) but simply to better my experiences, to rise to the next level of skill and success.

This ‘no competition’ attitude is key to successfully marketing your solo practice. Let me explain.

7 Secrets to Successful Communication – A Guide for New Solos

Getting your ideas across is key to successful marketing, marketing which can include speaking at seminars, keynote addresses, introduction of other guest speakers, self-publishing, being interviewed by reporters, blogging, commenting on blogs, Tweeting, and more.

So, knowing most of us would like to improve upon our communication skills with out clients and colleagues, here are a few thoughts on the subject.

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