
7 Ways To Handle ‘The Naysayer’

Last week, I was at a great networking event in the Boston area.  The people who attended were my ideal clients.  Everyone I met was engaging and genuinely interested to learn about the other people in the room.  The food was fantastic. I was really enjoying the event until ‘The Naysayer’ showed up.  Within 30 […]

Solos! Create Your Own Sandbox

Last week was a particularly tough week.  It seemed like everywhere I went someone was slamming a door in my face.  I couldn’t even give my program away. I asked the coordinator of a local entrepreneur’s network if there was room for one more speaker on an IP panel discussion set for December. I was […]

The Art of the Solo’s Launch

The last 6 months of planning have all led up to this, THE LAUNCH. ‘Launching’ basically refers to all of the things you do to get your new business or product into the world. My new program, IP Made Simple, is scheduled to make its debut next month, and before that program hits the ground, […]

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