
Are You Having Fun?

This week Little Miss started summer camp. I have never seen her happier or dirtier.  Yesterday she looked like she was going out to play left tackle for the New England Patriots with mud covering each cheek.  (Honestly, I can’t imagine how dirty she would be if she didn’t swim twice a day.)  She jumps […]

On Solo Practice, Rankings, and “Real” Lawyers

When I read Professor Muller’s blog post that Susan referred to in Why Law School Professor’s Rankings Are Worse Than USNWR, from April 16, 2013, I decided to add my two-cents worth to the conversation. In 2003, I was working as in-house IP counsel for a large multinational manufacturing company.  We were selling some companies, […]

Are Lawyers’ Blogs for Lawyers or Clients?

“That was great.  I didn’t know all that was happening.” Said the coordinator of a recent panel discussion I participated in. “Really?”  I thought to myself.  “How could you not have known US patent law is changing?” So I asked, “Isn’t that why you wanted me to speak to your organization today?” Well, it turns […]

Are You A Bad Networker?

I have a confession to make.  Up until last year, I was a bad networker. When I started my solo practice, I didn’t have a network.  Two years out of the work force, many of my relationships were stale.  It was also pretty apparent that most of those connections were geared to an in-house practice […]

Why I Do What I Do

I had a long to do list. I had work to finish up before the end of the year. I had shopping, wrapping, cooking, and cleaning to do before Christmas Eve. I wanted to plan and strategize for next year. Last Friday morning, I had let my to-do list get the best of me, and I […]

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