
How To Handle Pro-Se Adversaries

In the per-diem world I regularly encounter pro-se adversaries (people representing themselves). In New York City Civil Court (jurisdiction up to $25,000), people often appear pro-se. Many of these are debt collection cases, but I have been involved in all kinds of civil litigation where one side (the other side from my side) was pro-se. […]

Pearls (and perils) of Per-diem

It might be a stretch to call per-diem court appearances “zen-like” or “other-worldly.” That being said, I have some philosophical observations about making multiple court appearances on behalf of other attorneys: Treat your per-diem appearances as if you were appearing on your own case. If that means you care more about the case than the […]

Per-diem Basics: Bad is Good

Bad is good. That’s the philosophy behind the “per diem” part of my law practice. One might call it a “niche” practice.  I don’t feel so lofty about it, so I call it what it is, “Queens Court Appearances.” It works because of a basic business truth:  Success can be as simple as finding and […]

Evolutions of a Solo Practice – Part 4

(You can read Evolutions of a Solo Practice- Parts 1 -3 here). Taking on Negligence Cases I learned the basics of negligence cases when I worked part-time for Fred early in my practice.  I knew enough to handle basic cases if I got a call to do that.  In those days (early 80’s), you could […]

Evolutions of a Solo Practice – Part 2

You can read Evolutions of a Solo Practice – Part 1 here. Everything and Anything Phase, Especially Landlord/Tenant I passed the bar exam on the first shot, and accomplished every law student’s dream, making partner in one day. Now the firm needed an office, and furniture, and telephones, and other trivial details like paying clients. […]

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