Being a lawyer isn’t just about practicing law anymore is it? Some of the same attorneys that scoffed at law blogs are now starting their own; marketing has gone social with names like Justia, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter taking the place of the local paper, TV and radio ads. Building credibility isn’t just about closing cases anymore, but can include anything from writing e-books to conducting seminars and webinars. It can be an exciting time to be an attorney.
It can also be stressful.
Unless you have a virtual assistant. If you have a virtual assistant, the to do list is done, your blog stays updated, your email newsletter goes out like clockwork, documents are formatted, e-mails are answered and conference calls are scheduled. And it’s all done without you needing to provide space, equipment or benefits.
You don’t have a virtual assistant? What are you waiting for?
Check out the services Tina Hilton of Clerical Advantage offers and drop by the website. Read some of the helpful information on the blog and/or download the free “Are You Ready for a Virtual Assistant Guide” . And then contact Tina to stop stressing and start enjoying life more.
What are you waiting for?
That ‘to-do’ list isn’t getting any shorter.
You can also contact Tina directly via e-mail at thilton@clericaladvantage.com with any questions or requests for information.
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Thank you for sharing this post. I agree with you, virtual assistant can help you out with personal as well professional matters. They can provide an extra hand to ease up your work load. And you can also do some of your homeshoring business. Great post.