Seminars and Content Marketing for Lawyers

Content Marketing is a generally unfamiliar term to law firms, but should be at the forefront of all marketing plans. Since most consumers spend much of their time finding lawyers by researching online, content marketing is a great way for lawyers to reach out and offer something consumers want – advice, tips, and basic information that show you are the lawyer with the experience and expertise to solve their problems. Additionally, the marketing plans that many firms employ include underwhelming seminars that fail to obtain the client base they hoped for.

Content Marketing – Why, How, and When?

Content marketing can reach an unlimited number of potential clients looking for information, and can put your firm on their radar. This can include blog posts, videos, emails, and newsletters. Potential clients LOVE free information and are willing to give you their phone number or e-mail address as long as they feel the information you are providing can help answer their questions. Here are some steps to creating great content that leads viewers right back to your front door:

  • Make sure your content is useful – random “fluff” will get you nowhere in the land of content marketing. Offer valuable information or tips to your audience, and they will reward you with links, shares, and conversations about your company. Additionally, new search engine ranking rules avoid content that has no real value – and those rankings help your site get to a wider audience!
  • Produce often – blogs and videos should be updated frequently to ensure high search engine rankings and frequent visitors to your site. People enjoy learning new things, and are far more likely to visit your site multiple times if you have the promise of consistently new content.
  • Be the expert – By frequently producing useful content, you will be seen as an expert in your field, gain the trust and respect of your viewers, and make more clients out of them.

Seminars – How to Get Clients Instead of an Empty Room

Seminars are a fantastic way to market your services, but many firms do it wrong! Knowing the goals and desired results of your seminar is the most important part of creating this marketing technique. The goal of a seminar isn’t to teach your audience everything you know, but rather to make them like and trust you so that they will schedule an appointment with you.

  • Invitations – Make your invitations compelling.  Invitations should touch on frequent problems your clients face and should give the audience an incentive to attend. For example, “It took you 10 years to build your business. It will take the IRS minutes to destroy it.  Don’t let the IRS destroy your business.”  Your invitations should also look and feel professional to give the right impression and make it easy to RSVP.
  • Be Entertaining – potential clients definitely want to see that you know your stuff, but they also want to enjoy themselves and feel like they didn’t waste their time.  An entertaining seminar is sure to gain clients, and also get those word-of-mouth references.  While your attendees certainly want to learn something, they also need to like and trust you.
  • Make it Personal – People want to know that you understand where they’re at and what they need. While you want to maintain an air of professionalism, make it real for them. Make your audience think about how they or their family could be affected if they don’t hire your firm.
  • Follow up – To reduce the amount of no-shows, send confirmation cards right after you receive the RSVP and call to confirm the day before the seminar. Immediately after the seminar, you should be following up to schedule appointments or to offer more information.

Lawyers wanting to build a bilingual solo practice should make sure to offer their content and seminars in multiple languages. Not only will you gain clients that are usually neglected by most other lawyers; you will become the go to lawyer for that community.  Write blogs, upload videos, and offer seminars to your target audience – your appointment book will fill up with your ideal clients!

All opinions, advice, and experiences of guest bloggers/columnists are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions, practices or experiences of Solo Practice University®.

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