I’ve been blogging for 7 years, first under Build A Solo Practice, LLC, and then moved over to Solo Practice University five and a half years go. We’ve been in the ABA Blawg 100 several times over the last seven years and we enjoy the recognition although it’s not our raison d’etre.
This year I’m personally reaching out for your vote because this blog wouldn’t be what it is without all our great columnists, guest bloggers and guest lecturers who share their experiences with you. Your vote is a major thank you to them for taking the time to share their experience, wisdom, humor and time.
So, if you are so inclined to give them a shout out, you can vote here under ‘Law Practice Management ====> Solo Practice University. (you will have to register if you aren’t registered already).
And while I’m at it, thank you for being such a loyal reader of our blog. This is the ultimate reward for me. And congratulations to all the nominees. You’re already winners with your readers.
I have been fortunate to contribute to a great blog
No, we’re fortunate to have you!