How Secure is Your Law Firm Data? (Part 1)

Meta DataAbout a month ago, I received an email from a close girlfriend. When I clicked on it, there was a message directing me to click on a link to receive a great discount on my next purchase of Viagra. Since I could not imagine why my girlfriend would be promoting the sale of Viagra (or why she would think I would be a good prospect for this product), I concluded correctly that her email account had been hacked and quickly deleted the email. A few weeks later she sent all of her contacts an email of apology. Whether she took any steps after that to better secure her email account, I don’t know.

I imagine many of you have either had your emailed account hacked; or you have been the recipient of an email where the sender’s account had been hacked. Sometimes it is an obvious hack and many of us will simply delete the email and move on. Sometimes it is not so obvious and a click on a link or an attachment might compromise your email account or the data you have on your computer. These risks to your data have the potential to create cyber liability issues for you or your firm. As explained by Karen P. Randall, a Partner and Chair of the Professional Liability, Cyber Security and Data Privacy Groups, with Connell Foley LLP in New York, “Cyber liability refers to Internet-based risks and those relating to information technology infrastructure and activities.  It is a risk posed by conducting business over the Internet, over other networks or using electronic storage technology.”

Cyber attacks in the news are so common that it is easy to lose count of them. In December 2013, Target experienced what is considered the largest hack in U.S. corporate history affecting some 40 million customers. In 2014, Sony Pictures Entertainment was hacked and about 40 gigabytes of sensitive company data from their computers was stolen and posted online. In June 2015, it was reported that China hacked the United States and stole the personal information of 4 million federal employees. And, in July 2015, it was reported that Ashley Madison, a dating site for married people, was hacked and the exposure of the infidelity of 37 million users is at stake. Of course, some argue that these users deserve to be exposed, but cyber attacks are rarely triggered on the basis of morality.

Lawyers and firms who underestimate the risk of a cyber attack or who fail to take affirmative steps to protect their data, have an increased risk of becoming the subject of a disciplinary or malpractice claim. Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of Information, which prohibits lawyers from revealing confidential client information, also speaks to a lawyer’s duty to protect client information. Comment 16 to the Rule states that, “A lawyer must act competently to safeguard information relating to the representation of a client against inadvertent or unauthorized disclosure by the lawyer or other persons who are participating in the representation of the client or who are subject to the lawyer’s supervision.” Further, Comment 17 to the Rule requires the lawyer to take reasonable precautions to prevent the information from coming into the hands of unintended recipients

While not as frequently publicized, law firms have been victims of cyber attacks. In an article published in Bloomberg Businessweek on March 19, 2005, entitled, “Cyber Attacks Upend Attorney Client Privilege”, the Cybersecurity firm Mandiant reported two examples of cyber attacks on large law firms: Wiley Rein, a Washington law firm was targeted by hackers linked to China’s military in connection with a trade dispute it was handling for a maker of solar panels; and McKenna Long & Aldridge an international firm with offices in 15 cities, lost Social Security numbers and other employee data when one of its vendors was targeted. According to an article entitled, The New Law Firm Challenge: Confronting the Rise of Cyber Attacks and Preventing Enhanced Liability by David Mandell and Karla Schaffer that appeared in Law Practice Today in March 2012, approximately 80 major law firms were victims of cyber attacks in 2011.

To be sure, large law firms are not the only firms at risk. Ms. Randall explains it this way: “Although all law firms are increasingly vulnerable to attacks by cybercriminals due to the large amount of highly confidential client data maintained, mid-size, boutique and solo firms may be targeted more often because they simply do not have the financial resources available to devote to cybersecurity.”

While some law firms may not have the financial resources to devote to cybersecurity, some firms may not appreciate the fact that cybersecurity is a risk management issue that must be addressed by every business. As Luke Ciciliano, an SEO consultant and technology blogger from Las Vegas Nevada who has helped numerous attorneys build their practice through online marketing.explains, “Most attorneys don’t deal with the business end of things until something reaches crisis level. In terms of cyber security, a crisis means a breach.”

Don’t wait for a breach. Take the time now to assess your vulnerability for a data breach and take the steps to reduce your cyber liability.

(We’ll give you pointers in Part 2)

All opinions, advice, and experiences of guest bloggers/columnists are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions, practices or experiences of Solo Practice University®.

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