"Tip of the Week" – How To Deal With Indecision

This may sound contradictory, but it’s not.  Often, those who believe they would like to go solo think if they make this choice it is a ‘forever’ choice.  Therefore, they fret and worry and think it must be done at an absolutely perfect time or they will be doomed professionally and broke. Same goes for those who believe they must get employment first or be forever branded as inexperienced or ‘failing to gain employment’ as a lawyer.  This mindset in either direction is debilitating.

You’ve heard the adage, “It’s not the choices you make but what you do with the choices you make.”  This is as true with the decision to go solo as any other choice.

In another great Tejvan Pettinger piece he discusses indecision:

“Ummm… I’m not sure…” We all suffer from indecision at times. If we
are not careful, this can become a debilitating problem which feeds on
itself. Indecision is often related to lack of self confidence and a
tendency to worry about potential problems. To overcome indecision we
need to have the faith to follow our intuition, bearing in mind that
sometimes it is not what we do, but rather how we do things that is

Both Options Can Work

“Indecision is often worse than wrong action.” – Henry Ford

Sometimes we feel that it is of vital importance to choose the right
course of action. We feel that one choice must be the ‘right’ one and
the other option ‘wrong’. However, this is often a mistake. What is
important is how we make use of our choices. Maybe we have a choice
between going to two different places (employment or self-employment); as long as we have the right
attitude we can cultivate happiness wherever we go. If we are
constantly worrying about our decision, then we will not be able to
enjoy life even if we choose the so called ‘right action’.

For many, the traditional ‘right’ action is working for another first because this has become the party line for both good and bad reasons.  For others, they know being employed by another is categorically the ‘wrong’ action.

Once you make your decision, be peaceful with it until such time as you need to make another decision. It’s that simple really.  Talk to others openly and candidly about how they arrived at their current destination. You’ll realize you are not alone.

Make a decision. Move forward.

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