
21st Century Rezoom – The Sandwich Generation

Neva Strom was 33 when she was admitted to practice law and did so with all the commitment needed as a solo. She did it all in her solo Trust and Estates/Elder practice, which she opened in 1992. She had her first child in 1993 and her second in 1997. It was after the birth of her second child, and the inclusion of elder care to her childcare demands that Neva decided she needed to stop practicing law for a while, maybe until her youngest went to school. Twenty years later she picked up her litigation pumps and rezoomed her solo practice in Trust and Estates/Elder law. Be inspired.

The Great Banking Rezoom of 2008

This month’s rezooming story focuses on the talented Alisa Strauss, a defense attorney who rezoomed her legal career in 2009 after a 13-year hiatus. The reason Alisa rezoomed her legal career may resonate with many attorneys thinking about rezooming their careers today.

Mr. Mom Goes to Washington

This title is used tongue in cheek as the rezoomer’s spotlight falls on Eric Raudenbush. He is completely the bomb of rezoomers. Eric decided to stay home and pursue a passion for song-writing while tending to his first son. This decision came with all the warts and pimples you can imagine. His wife, also an attorney, was brilliant in empowering Eric to pursue his passion. Eric was courageous in stepping away from the law for eight years to try his hand at songwriting while being “Mr. Mom.” Find out what happened next!

Interviewing Rezooming Pros – Issue 1 with Amy Gewirtz

Over the past five years, I have written about how to cope with many issues facing rezooming attorneys. This year I hope to inspire you by sharing the rezooming success stories of people just like you who have re-started their legal career. They decided to shift back to practicing law from a different career or a hiatus. These stories will inspire you while providing a suggested road map to success.

Should Legal Rezoomers Use Social Media?

You can choose to avoid social media opportunities altogether or, with the help of some pretty tech savvy lawyers navigate your rezoom with social media. Questions about engaging in social media always start with whether its use will enhance or derail your journey. Not running afoul of your legal ethics can be the worry when talking about engaging on social media. The following three helpful hints may make it less scary and get you rezooming in cyberspace.

The Beauty of Compound Choices for Rezoomers

The same thing happens when we start rezooming. It seems for a very long time nothing is getting done to effectuate our reentry. We network; write articles, read articles, attend bar association meetings or local business meetings all in the hope of getting back in the game. What we fail to see is that we have, “Initiated the miracle process.” We have ignited the compound process whether we recognize it or not. Sustaining the insignificant choices over time will reap important rewards.

Grit and the Rezooming Attorney

Why do naturally talented people frequently fail to reach their potential while other far less gifted individuals go on to achieve amazing things? The secret to outstanding achievement is not talent, but a passionate persistence. In other words, grit. Do you have grit?

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