
Falling Back In Love With Your Solo Practice

It’s been five years since I started my solo practice. In that time, I’ve had many ups and downs. I’ve struggles at times – with depression, with stress and burnout, with financial troubles, and with staff turnover that got me labeled “The Hatchet” by a friend in the staffing industry. I’ve thought about packing it in a time or two, going back to work at a Big Law firm, but I never did.

You know what? I wouldn’t change any of it.

Are You Poisoning Your Solo Practice?

It’s Spring, traditionally time for a little Spring Cleaning. Toss out the old, start fresh. For the solo attorney, that often means purging ourselves of bad habits and setting some new goals.

This Spring, I recommend that you stop being toxic to your business. Yeah – you heard me. YOU are toxic to your business. And you need to stop it!

The Importance of Flexibility in a Solo Practice

One of the best things about being a solo/small firm lawyer that solo/small firm lawyers always cite is the flexibility. Flexible work schedule, flexible billing options, flexible practice areas. We are practically yogis.

What we never say is that all that flexibility does not mean a reduced workload, easier billing or lowered obligations to learn all those new practice areas. There is a price, and we usually pay it in longer hours working for ourselves than we ever put in working for Big Law.

Can You Be Addicted To Entrepreneurship?

Hi, my name is Suzanne and I am an addict.

It started simply enough with a babysitting business in high school. Then I expanded that to a babysitting service I ran out of a bowling alley on league nights. Before you knew it, I was running a catering business out of my kitchen during college.

Sound familiar? If you are addicted to entrepreneurship – if you cannot help yourself from starting up start-ups – then you and I have a lot in common.

Are We All Faking It ‘Til We Make It?

After my last post asking when exactly one stops feeling like a “new” lawyer, I was pleasantly surprised to be quoted by ABA Journal’s Question of the Week posing the same question to its readers. As usual, the dialogue in the comments started to devolve into a heated debate: “I was born into the world of law […]

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