The Magic of Key Performance Indicators (Part 1) – Guest Lecture with Jared Correia

The acronym KPI (Key Performance Indicators) often strikes terror in the uninitiated lawyer. However, they are not only nothing to fear but a simple documentable measure you should embrace. KPIs are simply measurements of performance and they can measure anything you are doing; how many clients you close from leads, your collection rate, the number of cases you handle per month, etc. Once you understand you have all these measurable activities already available to you through the tools you use in your practice today (like your case management software) and actually start using them, your practice will only become more efficient and be more profitable. Put your fear aside, listen and learn.

Guide to Legal Outsourcing: What Solo Lawyers and Small Firms Should Know

It’s no secret that lawyers are busy people. Writing briefs, communicating with clients, generating leads, conducting research, preparing for deposition, marketing services—an attorney’s list of tasks goes on and on. It’s no wonder 74% of US law firms feel as though they’re spending too much time on administrative tasks, as opposed to practicing law.

That’s where legal outsourcing comes in. What is legal outsourcing, and why should you consider it? Learn more!

Learn the Truth About Customer Service in the X-pectation Files

George Washington had wooden teeth.

Humans only use 10% of our brains.

The customer is always right.

Myths and misconceptions are a part of life. And while some are harmless or easily debunked—no mother will mind if you step on that crack—others can get in the way of running your business.

Nowhere is this truer than in customer service.

Countless organizations let assumptions and falsehoods guide how they communicate with the people they serve. Why? Because myths have power. They’re emotionally charged. They’re convenient. And, more often than not, someone has something to gain when you believe them.

So, let’s shine a light on the truth, shall we?

Get your customer service facts straight—with a little help from Ruby.

5 Ways Small Businesses Can Maximize Customer Service to Meet Changing Expectations

What a business offers is just as important as how it’s delivered. And it’s not just about satisfaction or sales. Exceptional customer service has amazing rebound effects, ranging from referrals, to repeat business. This makes customer service one of the most important factors for business growth. Because customer service is so important, it’s equally important to do it right. Here are 5 tips that small business owners can implement today to ensure they’re maximizing their customer service.

Content Marketing & Social Media: 4 Easy Tips For Getting Started

You’ve likely been told time and again (and again) that effective content marketing is essential to building your online presence. That’s genuinely helpful advice—until you consider that many people don’t know what content marketing is exactly.

Or how you define “effective” content.

The good news is that if you’ve ever looked up a recipe, followed a social media account, or watched a how-to video on getting toothpaste out of your hair (don’t ask), then you’ve interacted with successful content. All you need now is the right know-how to start creating lead-winning content for your own business.

What makes content “king?” Read and learn….

How to Ensure Virtual Business Continuity

None of us saw it coming. Yet today we see the impact of COVID-19 in everything we do. 75% of companies are reporting supply chain disruption. And for the more than 30 million small businesses that make up 99.9 percent of our nation’s commerce, the path ahead is unclear.

The good news? In creating a plan now (even if reactively) to keep your business functioning in times of crisis, you’re not only better able to handle what’s happening at present, you’re also more prepared for the future.

Enter the business continuity plan. Read on….

Tips For Strengthening Customer Communication (Checklist)

Gartner predicted that 89% of companies would compete mostly on customer experience this year. The customer journey starts with their first introduction to your brand, which will most likely be your website.

Even the most successful brands are in a process of figuring out how to improve customer communication. Bain & Company found that while 80% of companies believe that they deliver superior customer experiences, only 8% of customers agree.

Here are some ways that we’ve found effective.

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