
Beware the Joy Stealers

As you think about rezooming your legal career beware of the joy-stealers. Who and what is a joy- stealer? They are the people who, when you speak about your dream or positive events that have unfolded in your favor on this journey to rezoom, pour cold water on your moment. As you reflect on the law you would like to practice they tell you its too competitive or worse, “Well, no one would want to practice in that field so it should be wide open.”

Going to the Dogs, Cats, Birds and Horses

For the final column of 2017, highlighting attorneys who rezoomed their career, I thought I would update readers on my journey back into the law. It has been an incredibly enlightening, sometimes frustrating, yet joyful journey. Today, I find myself loving what I do and looking forward to going to work every morning. Doing what I am doing now means more to me than all the ups and downs of the last 6 years. Here’s my story.

Hail to the Chief (of Staff)

We all know our training and experience crosses over into other industries. If we are planning to rezoom, should we cast a wider net? That is exactly what this month’s spotlighted rezoomer has done. With no intention of leaving the law and having been hired after rezooming her practice, Kerry Marrano found herself looking at a position within town government that has fulfilled her desire to rezoom. Here’s her journey.

Rezooming Your Leadership

When deciding to rezoom your legal career you are also rezooming a position of leadership. Initially it may not feel that way.  You may fail to recognize the strong leadership skills you cultivated while away from the legal field. However, there are things you have done while on sabbatical that make you a better leader.  […]

How to Network Now That the Nest is Empty

“Networking is an ongoing dynamic process.” You need to identify your needs (purpose), integrate the information you hear from others and adapt your process of networking based on the new information you have received. And it can be a very different experience if you are heading back to the practice of law now that the nest is empty.

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