
Nothing Can Bring You Success But Yourself

As I close the year 2015 and reflect back on the progress I’ve made on Rezooming my career, I need to share with you a book I’ve read several times over these past 5 years that has made a huge impact on my journey. The book is Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. It has 17 wonderful steps you can use as guideposts and suggestions to refocus your career.

The Rezooming Mess: When Your Office Looks Like A War Zone.

In the big scheme of things, I confess my rezooming office is a mess. I know where everything is. Yet my family walks by and scratches their collective head. This past January, I addressed the piles of paper in need of filing. I emptied out my office completely, putting everything in like/kind piles on my dining room table. I knew the organizational process would take time but clearly I would be done before I needed to use the table again. But is a messy office the sign of a brilliantly creative mind?

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