
Are You Struggling with Juggling?

I recently read an article on Above the Law about an associate at Clifford Chance, a big New York law firm, who just couldn’t take any more stressful juggling. In her departing memo, she recounted what her typical daily schedule was like as she attempted to balance motherhood and her legal career (excerpted from the […]

Adding an Of Counsel to Your Practice

An Of Counsel arrangement can be very rewarding for an experienced attorney who may be pursuing other interests but enjoys mentoring young lawyers or wants to continue to handle legal work in a less demanding arrangement. (Plus, who doesn’t love a little side money?). For the young lawyer, having an Of Counsel can be an enjoyable way to hone their skills in a particular area of law and to work with another attorney without taking on huge financial risks.

What I’ve Learned My First Year Flying Solo

One year ago today, with great excitement and much trepidation, I launched Rachel Rodgers Law Office (though I’m not even sure it had a name yet). So today, to celebrate with all of you, I want to do a couple of things. First, I want to tell you the things I wish I had known on that official launch day, so that hopefully it will help those of you who will be starting your own solo practices soon. Second, I want to tell you the things I’m glad I knew and did, also in the hopes that it will help soon-to-be-solos. Lastly, I want to encourage you to get past your fear and allow your own wildest dreams to come to fruition.

Consultations: Free or Fee?

Obviously, attorneys have had some bad experiences with the free consultation. Yet, some of the most respected solo practice authorities, such as Jay Foonberg, highly recommend that solos offer free consultations. Others say solos should never offer free consultations. Still others say it depends. To further murk up the waters, I’ll share my experiences with (and without) the free consultation offer.

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