Logos & Badges

Need an official logo? A badge for your website? You’ve come to the right place.

Web Badges

We’ve put together some badges that you can show off on your blog or website (listed in next column). You might find these badges useful if you're a faculty member, blog columnist or would simply like to help promote Solo Practice University®.

Select and copy the code from below the badge you want, and then paste it into your blog or website. You can paste the code into a widget in your sidebar or add it to a post or page. The code below each image includes a link and an image. We’ll host the image for you on our super-fast content delivery network, saving you some bandwidth and also making it easier for you to just copy and paste the code without saving, uploading and inserting the image yourself.

Custom graphic?

If the logos and badges provided here aren't enough, send us a message to request a custom graphic or have your custom graphic approved before publication.

<a href="http://solopracticeuniversity.com/"><img src="https://cdn.solopracticeuniversity.com/spu-dark.png" alt="" /></a>
<a href="http://solopracticeuniversity.com/"><img src="https://cdn.solopracticeuniversity.com/spu-light.png" alt="" /></a>
<a href="http://solopracticeuniversity.com/"><img src="https://cdn.solopracticeuniversity.com/1.jpg" alt="" /></a>
<a href="http://solopracticeuniversity.com/"><img src="https://cdn.solopracticeuniversity.com/2.jpg" alt="" /></a>
<a href="http://solopracticeuniversity.com/"><img src="https://cdn.solopracticeuniversity.com/3.jpg" alt="" /></a>
<a href="http://solopracticeuniversity.com/"><img src="https://cdn.solopracticeuniversity.com/4.jpg" alt="" /></a>
<a href="http://solopracticeuniversity.com/"><img src="https://cdn.solopracticeuniversity.com/5.jpg" alt="" /></a>
<a href="http://solopracticeuniversity.com/"><img src="https://cdn.solopracticeuniversity.com/6.jpg" alt="" /></a>

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