When New Lawyers (and a Few Old) Leave Money On The Table For All the Wrong Reasons

If I hear one more lawyer tell me they referred out a case to another lawyer ‘just because’ and maybe that lawyer will send something their way down the road, I want to scream, ‘You are leaving money on the table.’ Do you not understand what a referral fee is? Do you not understand the value of this fee to provide you some financial stability for your practice?

Do You Know Who Your Client Is? Here’s a Strange (But Common) Situation.

From time to time I get involved in conversations with lawyers who have called in with a question or concern and as we talk through the situation it becomes clear that part of the problem is the lawyer doesn’t know who his client is. These are the times I find myself asking “How in the world does this happen?” It happens more often than you think!

When Your Great Reputation As A Lawyer Just Isn’t Enough

A few years back when Hurricane Irene hit we had two 80 foot trees uproot and come crashing down completely destroying our deck. While our home had just superficial damage the loss of the deck remained a very significant financial repair. We immediately called our neighbor because the previous year we had watched their builder construct a beautiful deck. He had a great reputation. But what happens when a great reputation isn’t followed up with great customer service?

How To Get Lawyer-to-Lawyer Referrals – Guest Lecture with Jared Correia

Do you understand the financial power of building lawyer networks for referrals? Do you understand the importance of being a traffic hub for business, even legal matters you don’t handle? Do you know how to talk with other professionals to garner referrals? Referrals for many lawyers are their lifeblood, a way to keep the pipeline filled with clients to serve. Jared and I discuss the importance of referrals in this guest lecture and we’d love for you to listen and learn.

10 Ways to Avoid the Legal Fees Lawsuit Counterclaim

You finally finish a client matter.

You believe you did good work and got a good result for your client; but as sometimes happens, you find that the client still owes you quite a bit of money, and on top of that, has stopped making any payments.

You certainly deserve to be paid so what are your options?

For a number of attorneys who find themselves in this situation they make a decision to sue for fees based upon a belief that they did good work and got a good outcome. Of course, post fee suit, none of that will matter to the client. If you do decide to sue for fees based upon the reasons set forth above, don’t be surprised if and when a malpractice counterclaim is filed and things start to get ugly. Seems to me the better approach would be to do all you can to avoid the necessity of ever having to consider suing for fees. With this in mind I offer the following thoughts.

It begins at intake and the best advice I can share is this. Read more….

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